A Note To My Critics

I knew it would happen but to be honest, I wasn’t prepared for the severity of the response.

What did I do to get such a response?

I shared a picture.  That’s it.

The picture was of myself, John Maxwell, Rachel Hollis and other well known leadership speakers.  It’s for an event I’m speaking at in October.

My inbox on Facebook, twitter and LInkedIn began to fill with messages.

“You’re on the same stage as Rachel Hollis.  Are you even sure she’s a Christian?”

“You know John Maxwell is a Wesleyan, don’t you? You’re hurting your witness.”

“Why don’t you spend your time talking about Jesus instead of leadership?”

“With your size, do you really think people will listen to you?”

“You shouldn’t be on stage with some of those people.”

My feet are planted.

My voice is clear.

I need to say a few things…

Are we really this narrow minded?

What we’re saying is that my gifting has to align with your idea of what my calling should be?

Are we really that arrogant?

The apostle Paul wrote that the body of Christ is made up of various parts.  Much like the human body.

Listen…I’m a toe.  I’m not the mouth, the brain or even an ear.   Just a toe.

Let’s be careful not to criticize those of us with lesser gifts because they’re not the head or some flashy part that we are naturally drawn toward.

Also, in the book of Acts we read that Paul went to Mars Hill.  While there, he stood in the midst of philosophers and made his case for the gospel.

I’m no Paul.

I’m not an evangelist.

But I’m speaking at leadership conferences.

I will continue to speak at leadership conferences.



And for the record, Jesus built me.

He gave me these gifts.

And He gave me this purpose, so I will walk in it.

I will speak after Maxwell and Hollis.  And I’ll be honored to do so…


Because those people in the audience need to hear what I have to say…

I speak about God in my conferences.

If you buy my book, you’ll read how I unpack the scriptures and try to point to Jesus.

That could be my “Mars Hill Strategy…”

Not all of us are a Billy Graham…

Not all of us are Charles Stanley…

Some of us are put on this earth to help people not quit…and as long as there’s breath in my body – I’ll inspire you to not quit.

I’m a large man.

I realize my size is an obstacle for being booked on the speaking circuit.

Heck, seeing a picture of a big guy on the back of the book isn’t really an incentive to buy it.

But I’ve fought weight shaming for many years.

At job interviews, people have asked if I think the chair will hold me or said, “You’re a big fella. If you take this job, will you die on us?”

Yes, I battle my weight.

I’m a food addict.

But I will not let my addiction or my waistline stop me from pursuing the purpose God has given me.

Ulysses S Grant was an alcoholic.  It didn’t stop him from being president.

Abraham Lincoln struggled with suicidal thoughts.  They had to take scissors and knives from him out of fear he would take his life.  He became President, won the war and freed the slaves.

FDR couldn’t walk and yet he led America through the depression and helped win the war agains the Germans and the Japanese.

Churchill had a skin condition that forced him to wear silk much of the time and made him self-conscience.   

If those men could do that, why should I let my waistline stop me?

Ya know what…each of those men had critics…and it didn’t stop them.

I will continue to accept speaking opportunities.

I will continue to write.

I will lead.

This is what I’m called to do.

Please don’t comment or email saying, “I’m so sorry for all this.”


I want you to read this and get some resolve.

Allow my grit and determination to keep going be an encouragement to you.

Square up.  Plant your feet.  Stand in your calling.

If you’ve been thinking about giving up because of someone’s hurtful words.


Don’t give them that much power.

Keep making progress.

I’m doing what I was built to do.

And I’m proud to do it.

This will be the last time I address my critics.   

My time needs to be spent on making progress….not responding to critics who hide behind computer screens and send unsigned messages.

Gotta go.

Need to hug and kiss my bride.

Write a few chapters.

Help out the radio stations.

And simply do leaderly things…

Proud of what I get to do….and that I get to do it for Him.




This isn’t about a book or leadership.

This is about my faith.  My belief in Jesus.

If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve read quite often that I struggle with doubt.

I’ve decided to fight.  Yes, I’m going to fight doubt.

Will I win?   

I have no idea.

Before you comment with “Why don’t you pray?” or “Read your Bible” please understand that I do.  Almost daily.

Even with my prayers and readings, doubt still overwhelms this heart.

Yet, I’ve been stuck on Romans 8:38-39 for several days.

These verses will NOT leave my mind.

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

The NIV translates this as “For I am convinced…”

The New King James handles this phrase as, “For I am persuaded…”

Paul, the author of Romans, wrote that he was SURE…that he was CONVINCED…that nothing would separate him from the love of God found in Jesus.

He was sure.

He was convinced.

And then there’s me…

There are times when I’m not sure I’m loved by God.

There are moments when I’m not convinced Jesus cares.

Here’s the oddity in all this…in order to doubt the love of God, I have to believe God exists.

I realize the utter ludicrousness of the logic of my own doubt.

Ya see, I don’t doubt that Jesus was real or that He rose from the dead.   

I don’t doubt that Adam and Eve were real, that Jesus was born of a virgin or that He’ll return one day, raise the dead and make all things new.

I doubt that He cares.

More personally, does He care about me?

And that’s where this effort begins.

Paul was convinced. 
He was sure.

Beyond that, the 13th apostle was persuaded.   

I want to be convinced…to be sure…and live persuaded.

What convinced Paul?

What made him so sure that Jesus loved him?

Why was he persuaded that all the crap of life would never separate him from that love of God?

How did he walk in assurance that Jesus wouldn’t forget about him?

Those are the questions I’m going to try and answer.

I’ll be studying, writing and sharing those thoughts.

There’s no fear in me walking away from Jesus or renouncing my faith.

That’s not the issue.

I’m trying to figure out why I struggle with thoughts that He walks away from me.

Be careful…please don’t come at me with, “The Spirit has to illumine your heart.”

Those comments can make you think I’m not a follower of Jesus.

Oh I am.

He’s answered a million prayers.

He’s my only hope for sin and condemnation.

Note: did you see the logical oddity there?  I’m convinced that Jesus is my only hope for my sin and the gospel tells me that the reason why He came to rescue me is because He loves me….but I doubt that He loves me.   Ain’t that a kick?   

How can a brain hold these two truths that seem to be at war with each other?

If I wasn’t a believer, I wouldn’t fight so hard to conquer my doubt.    

Yes, I’m a Christian.    

A doubting Christian that is bumbling forward in this world often feeling abandoned by a God who has declared that He loves me.

So begins the journey of recording these thoughts and pursuits.

I’m hopeful that these occasional postings will offer you some encouragement and hope.

If you’re a doubter, you’re not alone.

While in prison, John the Baptist sent his followers to ask Jesus this question, ““Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?”

Yep, we’re not alone.   

Doubt is a part of belief.

It’s part of the puzzle of being human.

But what convinced Paul?

That’s the question I’m considering….

Glad to have you on this ride with me.

Fellow struggler –

